Legislative and congressional redistricting: new procedure for preparing the plans, LRB duties specified; Redistricting Advisory Commission created -
SB58Nonpartisan redistricting system: advisory referendum on the question of adopting held at the 2016 general election -
AJR55Nonpartisan redistricting system: advisory referendum on the question of adopting held at the 2016 general election -
SJR47Vacancies on a school board of a common, union high, or unified school district: board president allowed to appoint under certain conditions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, primary requirement for election in certain election districts and adoption of apportionment plan after decennial census added] -
AB325Advisory referendum for November 2016 ballot re should Congress propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United v. F.E.C. -
AJR8Advisory referendum for November 2016 ballot re should Congress propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to overturn Citizens United v. F.E.C. -
SJR12Contributions received by political parties, legislative campaign committees, independent expenditure committees, and referendum committees from corporations, cooperatives, and American Indian tribes: reporting requirements clarified re 2015 WisAct 117 -
AB860Contributions received by political parties, legislative campaign committees, independent expenditure committees, and referendum committees from corporations, cooperatives, and American Indian tribes: reporting requirements clarified re 2015 WisAct 117 -
SB630Counties given the option to combine the offices of county clerk, register of deeds, and treasurer: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
AJR85County and municipality sales and use tax for maintenance of streets and highways permitted, referendum required, and sunset provision -
AB210Election law revisions re write-in candidate registration, reconvening of board of canvassers to count absentee and provisional ballots, caucus used to nominate certain candidates, date an ordinance or resolution must be submitted to electors at the next election, affixing a sticker to a ballot, and a school board referendum -
AB164Election law revisions re write-in candidate registration, reconvening of board of canvassers to count absentee and provisional ballots, caucus used to nominate certain candidates, date an ordinance or resolution must be submitted to electors at the next election, affixing a sticker to a ballot, and a school board referendum -
SB121Incorporation of certain towns contiguous to 3rd class cities: new method created; sunset and referendum provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1959e; S.Amdt.2: further revisions] -
SB21Ledgeview, Town of: special provision regarding the incorporation of repealed -
AB4Local option for issuing liquor licenses repealed; retaining invoices for sales of malt beverages and intoxicating liquors in electronic form permitted, DOR duties -
AB624Nonpartisan redistricting system: advisory referendum on the question of adopting held at the 2016 general election -
AJR55Nonpartisan redistricting system: advisory referendum on the question of adopting held at the 2016 general election -
SJR47Right to vote in a partisan primary election extended to 17-year-olds who will be 18 by the date of the election; statewide referendum required -
SB711Sale or lease of municipal water or sewer utility provisions revised, referendum and petition provisions, and PSC duties; treatment of out-of-state water and sewer utilities re public utility holding companies -
AB554Sale or lease of municipal water or sewer utility provisions revised, referendum and petition provisions, and PSC duties; treatment of out-of-state water and sewer utilities re public utility holding companies -
SB432School district mechanisms for borrowing and raising money: revisions re loan or bond issues, revenue limit adjustments, State Trust Funds loans, temporary borrowing, promissory notes, and MPS levy limit adjustments and bond issues -
AB481School district mechanisms for borrowing and raising money: revisions re loan or bond issues, revenue limit adjustments, State Trust Funds loans, temporary borrowing, promissory notes, and MPS levy limit adjustments and bond issues -
SB355Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council allowed to levy an assessment on certain propane retailers, referendum and circuit court provisions -
AB705Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council allowed to levy an assessment on certain propane retailers, referendum and circuit court provisions -
SB539Syrian refugee resettlement: DCF to apply for federal grant to contract with refugee service organizations in this state -
AB506Chippewa Valley RTA: authorization to create restored; sales and use tax and property tax provisions -
AB593Chippewa Valley RTA: authorization to create restored; sales and use tax and property tax provisions -
SB442Comprehensive planning: local governments may repeal; DOA grant program to assist with planning activities eliminated -
AB371Comprehensive planning: local governments may repeal; DOA grant program to assist with planning activities eliminated -
SB266Counties to assess all property within their boundaries for property tax purposes except manufacturing properties; regional assessment units and first and second class cities provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Property tax -- Assessment"] -
AB21Counties to assess all property within their boundaries for property tax purposes except manufacturing properties; regional assessment units and first and second class cities provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Property tax -- Assessment"] -
SB21Frac sand mine application: notice requirements before a political subdivision meets to take action on the application; definition provision -
AB151Frac sand mine application: notice requirements before a political subdivision meets to take action on the application; definition provision -
SB101Prosperity Southwest Wisconsin provided a DOA grant for economic development; funds transferred from WEDC -
AB764Prosperity Southwest Wisconsin provided a DOA grant for economic development; funds transferred from WEDC -
SB530Regional revolving loan fund grant program: FWDA required to establish [Sec. 3938, 9101 (9), 9450 (1)] -
AB21Regional revolving loan fund grant program: FWDA required to establish [Sec. 3938, 9101 (9), 9450 (1); original bill only] -
SB21Regional revolving loan fund grant program: WEDC required to establish, annual report required -
SB515Adverse possession of real property revisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, original provisions replaced with affidavit of interruption of adverse possession or use of real estate] -
SB344Counties given the option to combine the offices of county clerk, register of deeds, and treasurer: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
AJR85DFI rules modified re UCC Article 9 filings made in an office of register of deeds; DOR rules modified re real estate transfer fee, register of deeds provision [Admin.Code DFI-CCS 7.03; Tax 15.04] -
AB81Register of deeds: revisions re instruments filed or recorded with and fees -
AB82Register of deeds: revisions re instruments filed or recorded with and fees -
SB73Vital records available in electronic system for vital records issuance: State Registrar or any local registrar allowed to issue certified copies [A.Amdt.1: domestic partnership added to public use indexes of vital records] -
AB633Vital records available in electronic system for vital records issuance: State Registrar or any local registrar allowed to issue certified copies -
SB507Gaylor, Anne Nicol: life and dedication to reproductive rights for women and the separation of church and state commended upon her death -
AJR52Gaylor, Anne Nicol: life and dedication to reproductive rights for women and the separation of church and state commended upon her death -
SJR43Christian Schools International added to list of choice program accrediting agencies and preaccrediting agencies and Special Needs Scholarship program accrediting entities re qualifying private schools [A.Amdt.1: Association of Christian Schools International added] -
AB602Christian Schools International added to list of choice program accrediting agencies and preaccrediting agencies and Special Needs Scholarship program accrediting entities re qualifying private schools -
SB467Basilica of St. Josaphat in Milwaukee County: DOT to erect and maintain directional signs; contributions from interested parties provision -
AB83Basilica of St. Josaphat in Milwaukee County: DOT to erect and maintain directional signs; contributions from interested parties provision -
SB11Black Church Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS: first week in March proclaimed as -
SJR16Cemetery authority licensure requirements revised, religious associations and deposit of care funds provisions; DSPS administration of cemeteries and DFI regulation of cemetery authorities transferred to the Cemetery Board, salesperson licensure provision; rules established for disposition of occupied cemetery lots and mausoleum spaces; certain penalty provisions increased -
AB410Cemetery authority licensure requirements revised, religious associations and deposit of care funds provisions; DSPS administration of cemeteries and DFI regulation of cemetery authorities transferred to the Cemetery Board, salesperson licensure provision; rules established for disposition of occupied cemetery lots and mausoleum spaces; certain penalty provisions increased -
SB302Certificate of self-insurance issued to a religious sect can be used in lieu of motor vehicle liability insurance re proof of financial responsibility and liability insurance requirements -
AB649Certificate of self-insurance issued to a religious sect can be used in lieu of motor vehicle liability insurance re proof of financial responsibility and liability insurance requirements -
AB782Certificate of self-insurance issued to a religious sect can be used in lieu of motor vehicle liability insurance re proof of financial responsibility and liability insurance requirements -
SB534Certificate of self-insurance issued to a religious sect can be used in lieu of motor vehicle liability insurance re proof of financial responsibility and liability insurance requirements -
SB638Columbaria maintained by religious associations: exemption from requirements applicable to mausoleums and cemeteries created -
AB285Columbaria maintained by religious associations: exemption from requirements applicable to mausoleums and cemeteries created [S.Amdt.1: care fund and certification requirements added] -
SB229Dwelling construction standard and building permit waiver provisions for certain religious groups created; definitions and DSPS provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2715m, 2717m, 2718d] -
SB21Pope Francis: achievements commended and welcomed on his visit to the U.S. -
SJR14Protecting the civil rights of all Wisconsinites and denouncing bigotry and hatred: Assembly’s unwavering commitment to reaffirmed -
AR7Seasonal placement of a Christmas tree in the Capitol rotunda or a church: prohibiting promulgation or enforcement of a DSPS rule and enactment or enforcement of an ordinance re fire safety -
AB648Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed -
AB348Sexual contact with a child: statute of limitations removed -
SB262Spiritual treatment in lieu of medical or surgical treatment for children: exemptions removed re county department determination of child abuse or neglect, felony physical abuse of a child, and administration of psychotropic medication to juveniles in correctional custody; Christian Science treatment limited to adult patients -
AB959Career and technical education incentive grants in DPI eliminated and DWD permitted to award instead; appropriations for apprenticeship completion and local youth apprenticeship grants from the Wisconsin fast forward grants appropriation [Sec. 564, 727-730, 1421, 3079-3090, 3096, 3193; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants transferred to DWD and conferring with DPI required, apprenticeship provisions removed, 727b, d, 3081d, 3193b-bi, deletes 727-729, 3079-3081, 3096, 3193] -
SB21Corrections System Formulary Board created in Corr.Dept re therapeutic alternate drug selections in the state correctional system -
SB84Crime prevention funding board (CPFB) created in each county that receives funding from certain surcharge; grants to nonprofit organizations and law enforcement agencies for crime prevention purposes; reports required [Sec. 1004, 1908, 1910, 1915, 4619, 4620, 4733, 4734, 9129 (1)] -
SB21Documents re municipality name changes, reorganizations, and boundary record keeping functions transferred from Secretary of State to DOA [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9139 (1q)] -